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Our sustainable FOOTPRINT

During the renovation, we put a lot of energy into reducing the Domaine's footprint as much as possible.



We installed 42 photovoltaic panels on the roof to meet the building's electricity needs. There are also 9m² of thermal panels on the roof to heat water using solar energy.

30,000 litres of rainwater are recovered and filtered for use in the toilets and showers.

We encourage you to use water in an eco-responsible way by taking short showers!

The building has been fully insulated to keep the heat in.

Indoor air quality is ensured by a double-flow ventilation system. So it's never too hot or too cold inside.


Several actions have helped to maintain and improve biodiversity on the site.

If you stay in the gîte in summer, you'll be lucky enough to have migratory swallows as neighbours. They return every year to their nest under the gutters, and we love their joyful song.

A flower meadow has been planted at the bottom of the garden, a paradise for insects! At the front, in the arboretum, you'll discover dozens of different species of trees, including fruit trees such as apples.

Since we rehabilitated the pond in front of the house, the frogs have made a comeback. So don't be surprised to hear them singing in summer...

Image de Pawel Czerwinski


During your stay at our holiday house, please sort your rubbish so that it can be recycled as efficiently as possible.
We would also be grateful if you would take back any glass waste and deposit it in the bubbles provided for this purpose. 

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